国际机场Air Freight Transportation,

2019年3月1日 in 国际物流
◆ Air Freight Transportation, Sea-Air Transportation and Multi-Model Transportation
◆ Certified Purchase Agreement to Europe and American, and mainly engage in Eastern Europe & Russia Business.
◆ Inland Transfer Services for Airlines
◆ Charter Flight Service and Special Cargo Transport Services
◆ Stable and enough spaces to ensure your Peak Season Needs
◆ Offer Goods Distribution, Transshipment, Door-to-Door services and Time-limited Customs Clearance Service.
◆ The Transport Schemes Implementation and Professional Logistics Consultation for Fresh, Perishable goods and Valuable goods and other Special goods.

Based on the professional Marketing & Sales& Customer Services team, and various advantages, Global Link Logistics Co., Ltd always maintain the stable businesses growth, and gradually strengthen the mutual benefits and win-win growth pattern with each partner, it becomes a rapid developing and well-regarded Air Freight Forwarder. 公司现有保税仓库1100平米,该仓库位于烟台保税港区内,地理位置优越。公司配备有专业的报关人员、仓储管理人员,提供代理报关、清关、商检服务以及装卸货物、理货、配送等第三方物流服务业务等。公司目前主要业务有:
A 保税仓储从国内、国外货物运至保税仓以保税形式储存起来,免交关税,节约大量税金,增加资金流动性。
B 手册核销加工贸易型企业可通过出口到保税区,核销手册,实现跨关区转厂、出口转内销等。
C 简单加工在保税仓的货物可允许进行流通加工贴唛,贴标签,更换包装等。
D 出口拼箱将大陆各地和国外供应商采购的原材料、半成品、成品等,汇集至保税仓存储,再按销售合同组合成不同的货柜后从烟台港海运至世界各地。
E 进口分拨从世界各地进口的货物(其中包括国内转至保税仓的货物)可以暂存在保税仓,进行分拣、简单加工、拆拼箱后,根据国内采购商的需求进行批量送货,以减轻收货人的进口税压力及仓储负担。
F 国际转口贸易充分利用保税区内免领进出口许可证、免征关税和进口环节增值税等优惠政策,利用国内外市场间的地区差、时间差、价格差、汇率差等,在保税仓内实现货物国际转运流通加工贴唛,贴标签,再包装,打膜等,最终再运输到目的国。
G 展示服务国外大宗商品如设备及原材料等,可存放在保税区仓库,保税存放,并可常年展示。展示结束后可以直接运回原地。避免高昂的关税和繁琐的报关手续。
H 检测维修服务发往国外货物因品质或包装退运,须返回工厂检测或维修的。可利用保税区功能,直接将货物退至保税仓库,简化报关程序,不用交纳进口税,待维修完毕后,直接复出口。
